9 Practical Reasons to Keep Your Job

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You’re probably on the fence. Not sure if you want to quit or keep your job. You hear a lot of big words about how one should choose their career that you’re almost convinced your hustle is underwhelming and maybe not satisfying everyone’s expectations. Deep within you though, you probably just want to keep things practical. If so, then what are some practical reasons you would consider to keep your job?

Well, your job is supposed to serve you and not the other way around. It should reflect your focus on your well-being and quality of life. It cannot be a mere reflection of fears, blind traditions, and others’ expectations. If you’re wondering if maybe you’re okay after all, below are some practical reasons to keep your job.

Practical reasons to keep your job:

  • it complements your present circumstances
  • it suits your personality
  • it brings you closer to your future goals
  • it’s a good outlet
  • you are with good company
  • you are appreciated
  • you are winning
  • it gives you access
  • it’s what you want to do

Let’s try to understand these reasons better.

It complements your present circumstances.

It’s what you need right now and it makes things easier for you. It’s not the most high-paying job but it allows you to drop off and pick up your daughter from school. Your Bachelor’s degree may not agree, but it lets you work from home and attend to your ailing parent. You may have managerial experience in your belt yet you opted for an entry-level position this time because you need a breather. If it’s what you need at this point in your life, then be it. You know your circumstances and priorities better than anyone else. When things shift, you can always revisit. 

It suits you.

I know someone who almost took up Law and now juggles between being a fitness instructor and a tour guide. The reasons being are his love for adventure, his excitement for meeting new people, and his inability to stick to a strict day-to-day routine. You don’t owe anyone any explanation. You do you.

It brings you closer to your future goals.

Your job today could be a stepping stone. A place where you get the best on-the-job training for what you want to achieve in the future. Maybe you want to put up your own restaurant someday so now you work in the kitchen. Or you want to be the next big CEO but for now, okay to be an intern. Regardless of how you’d like to start your journey, you’ve already won by starting.

It’s a good outlet.

Maybe through your job, you get to network or volunteer to meaningful causes. Or it taps some of your hidden talents and lets you express yourself through creative content. If you’re fortunate enough, it probably lets you do things you’d do for free like test video games or even travel. Admit it, companies have now come a long way in keeping their employees happy. You’re just too busy worrying if maybe pasture is greener on the other side. 

You are with good company.

And by company, I mean the people who surround you.

As they say, you are the average of the five people you are with all the time. If you are surrounded by the smartest, most inspiring, and most empowered people in the world, then you are lucky.

The influence you get is always potent. If you are smart about it, it’s only a matter of time until you get your own moment to shine.

It gives you access.

It could be access to people you care about, access to benefits, or access to training. Whatever is important to you that you might even pay for outside of work. You probably have a medical condition and the only place that offers the medical assistance you need is your present job. I know people who work at their kids’ school cafeteria just so they could pay close attention to them. This is even more applicable if your kids have special needs. I even know people who work as assistants just because they work for people they admire.

You are appreciated.

Our fire ignites a little more when fed. Be where you are celebrated, and you won’t work a day in your life – familiar but sounds a bit better. 

You are winning.

Ain’t it one of the reasons we hustle? To feel accomplished and productive? You contribute and add value. You are on a streak. You are validated and your hard work pays off. You don’t always need to keep looking to be able to do what you love. Sometimes, you just need to cultivate what’s in front of you and give it the TLC it needs. Bloom where you are planted.

It’s simply what you want to do.

Why complicate things? It’s maybe unpopular or unexpected but it’s what you want to do. Others may find it hard to believe that some of us just don’t want to sweat it. Maybe you’re one of them. If you have the simplest of intentions in life, and your happiness lies somewhere else, then good for you. In the end, we get to define our own happiness. If you are happy doing what you do, then you’re probably more successful than most people.

In summary, a job is a job. It is a tool. And we use it for many different purposes depending on our life’s whats, whos, wheres, whys, and hows. The more that our job functionally addresses our life’s circumstances, the more that it becomes practical. No one says though that practicality is the only thing to consider when choosing a carer. However, if being pragmatic is what you need right now, then these are not bad reasons to keep your job.

I’m sure there are several other practical reasons out there why we do what we do. If you have any additional thoughts, do not hesitate to leave a comment below. See you next time, allies.

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